[Improvement] Change AI Assistant to Answer assistant (#18728)
[Improvement] Loading only when opening personal details tab (#18715)
[Improvement] Settings action on Customer portals overview should open Customer portal settings (#18584)
[Fix] Error Ooops, URL is not valid. in mobile app after update to (#18731)
[Fix] Wrong css for suggestion when status is published (#18724)
[Fix] Unable split in suggestion tickets (#18722)
[Fix] Overlapping scrollbars in grid in reports in Firefox browser (#18640)
[Fix] CRITICAL: La_Model_Conversation_Service::rerouteChat(): Argument #2 ($excludeAgent) must be of type ?La_Model_User_Agent, La_Model_User_Visitor given called in La_Rpc_Chat.class.php. (#18183)
[Fix] Plugins engine exception: Conversation id not found in class La_Features_Phone_Main. (#17476)