• [Security] Internal KB articles access control (#18641)
  • [Plugin] Shopify plugin: update API version (#18619)
  • [Feature] Improve Clipboard function within the "Display external info" plugin compatibility with browsers (#18433)
  • [Fix] Action box header is not visible on small height device (#18658)
  • [Fix] DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_HOSTNAME dont set when install account (#18642)
  • [Fix] TicketIndexer Error - Unhandled message group type [type=] (#18629)
  • [Fix] Invalid owner id in some fb/twitter tickets (#18603)
  • [Fix] CRITICAL: array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, null given in GitHub_ConversationController.class.php (#18535)
  • [Fix] Error: Answer FROM address is missing. (answerId=...) in Api/TicketIndexer.php (#17727)
  • [Other] Refactorings and other fixes (#11448)(#18590)