Jan Perdoch
- [Fix] Freshdesk KB import doesn't work correctly (#12141)
- [Fix] Add validation to reduce missing VAT IDs for EU customers (#11305)
- [Fix] Typed property Lib_PrintFile::$linkId must be string, array used (#12160)
- [Fix] Argument 2 passed to Gpf_Http::setCookieValue() must be of the type string or null (#12159)
- [Fix] Uncaught Error: Call to a member function encodeResponse() on null in /Gpf/Rpc/Server.class.php (#12157)
- [Fix] Video call buttons errors (#12153)
- [Fix] Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to La_Utils_MigrationUtils::loadOrCreateUser() must be of the type string (#12128)
- [Fix] Freshdesk import fails with TagNotFoundException exception (#12115)
- [Fix] Object of class Qu\La\LegacyFileClient\Domain\Model\FileLinkId could not be converted to string in MailReply.class.php (#12111)
- [Fix] array_splice() expects parameter 1 to be array, int given in MultiSiteConfig.class.php on line 93 (#12109)
- [Fix] Uncaught Error: Class Qu\La\Conversation\ConversationRepo not found in FacebookMessage.class.php (#12108)
- [Fix] Trying to access array offset on value of type null in ElasticSearch.class.php (#12107)
- [Fix] Undefined indexes in Freshdesk/Task.class.php (#12106)
- [Fix] Undefined index: tickettypes in TeamworkDesk/Task.class.php (#12101)
- [Fix] Slow progress during Elasticsearch reindexing (#12100)
- [Fix] Stuck Freshdesk import (#12093)
- [Fix] cc_emails field - wrong address format in reply (#12076)
- [Fix] Unable to validate card using Braintree if Canary Islands is selected as a country (#12044)
- [Fix] Shopify integration with chat button: cannot save button (#12030)
- [Fix] Not translatable strings (#12024)
- [Fix] Language issue (#11955)
- [Fix] 3D secure billing address fields longer than 50 characters cause cardinal exception (#12046)
- [Fix] API v3 register contact is ignoring parameter sendRegistrationMail value (#11655)