Jan Perdoch
- [Security] SSRF through various endpoints (#10359)(#10358)(#10354)(#10355)
- [Security] explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, object given (#10260)
- [Fix] Argument 1 passed to PipedriveModule::renderDeal() must be of the type array, null given (#10158)
- [Fix] Cannot connect facebook page in panel (#10361)
- [Fix] Call to undefined method La_Model_Conversation::getLastMessageGroup() (#10357)
- [Fix] New build not adding version to product in DP (#10340)
- [Fix] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in DbEntityHandler.class.php (#10332)
- [Fix] Undefined index: id in Cursor.class.php (#10320)
- [Fix] PDO::quote() expects parameter 1 to be string, object given (#10258)
- [Fix] Call to a member function getCursorValue() on null (#10155)
- [Fix] Contact's email not recognized from user details (#10058)
- [Fix] Reply added 2 times (#10010)
- [Fix] Mass action 'send mail' does not work (#7547)