Jan Perdoch
- [Security] Invalidate password reset URL after first load (#9749)
- [Improvement] Postpone preset values set to 8:00 (#9791)
- [Improvement] Slack - option to disable AppHome event autoresponder (#9782)
- [Improvement] Add logged in agent role to panel body (#9726)
- [Improvement] Performance report API is missing some data (#7341)
- [Improvement] Clearing cached track.js from browser (#7232)
- [Fix] Registered visitor is unable to set password (#9992)
- [Fix] Error message "You cannot delete department" (#9947)
- [Fix] Fetching mail account added as recipient (#9876)
- [Fix] Reply template load fails (#9861)
- [Fix] Errors in Facebook/EventProcessor/Comment.class.php (#9811)
- [Fix] Asterisk memory leakege (#9794)
- [Fix] Duplicate online status widget in agent profile (#9755)
- [Fix] Double "Custom filter" description in "Edit contact - tickets" window (#9668)
- [Fix] Chats in queue will stay in init state after last agent logs out (#9032)
- [Fix] Minimum width of column Actions in mail accounts grid (#8925)
- [Fix] Handle API / SIP calls listbox items ordered randomly (#8770)
- [Performance] Optimize application settings (#9783)
- [Style] The scroll bar does not work in the White theme (#9916)
- [Style] Inefficient spacing between upper and lower ticket info panels (#9870)
- [Style] Send button in chat button not visible on iPhone (#9857)
- [Style] Obsidian theme: better style for "Information" window, when Agent delete department (#9825)
- [Style] Wasted space in saved filters (#9591)