[Notice] This is the last major version supporting PHP 5. From the next major version LiveAgent 5.0 only PHP 7 and Elasticsearch 6 will be supported.
- [Feature] Requester country rule condition (#6541)
- [Feature] Quiet reindexing of tickets without dropping existing index (#6257)
- [Feature] Calls for offline agents (#5654)
- [Feature] Automatically redirect calls after X minutes of ringing or in queue to voicemail (#2732)
- [Feature] Transfer chat to a department (#3401)
- [Feature] Call center: Call extensions - Internal calls (#6360)
- [Feature] Custom delay in postpone action in rules (#6382)
- [Feature] Audit log - apikeys actions (#6412)
- [Security] Vulnerability in languages code (#6568)
- [Performance] Speed up processing of Facebook posts and messages (#6409)
- [Performance] Duplicated requests during chat answering (#6431)
- [Performance] Slow SQL - Ticket detail - recent conversations (#6401)
- [Performance] Unnecessary requests in MessagePresenter (#5766)
- [Performance] slow select to la_users table (#6660)
- [Style] Missing link style in ascent form theme (#6513)
- [Style] Montana KB theme add None option for Predefined Header Image setting (#5586)
- [Fix] Undefined property in ComputeCreatedResolvedTicketsTask (#6584)
- [Fix] Agent gets ringing chat even if all his slots are full (#6575)
- [Fix] Chat Inactivity custom time is ignored (#6562)
- [Fix] API v3: Param 'hasPhone' in GET /contacts is not working (#5923)
- [Fix] Chat window is not visible if chat is started from new button (#6540)
- [Fix] Incorrectly applied rate limit on password change (#6558)
- [Fix] REST API Agent ranking report (#2254)
- [Fix] "To number is mandatory" error when creating a new call (#6504)
- [Fix] Forward, postpone and SLA level (#2808)
- [Fix] Contact phone is not loaded (#6514)
- [Fix] API v3: Some API calls return wrong error response (#6538)
- [Fix] Help Scout migration plugin doesn't migrate attachments which contain a space (#6468)
- [Fix] Upgrade FB API calls to latest version (#6393)
- [Fix] External admin user in API (#6449)
- [Fix] After exporting contacts, the group column is showing ID instead of a Name (#6501)
- [Fix] Contact form - missing upload option on mobile devices (#6534)
- [Fix] Problem with rules 'when agent opened or left ticket' (#5389)
- [Fix] API v3 tickets - ownerid useless parameter removed (#6361)
- [Fix] Order of records on Ban history and Banned IPs screens (#6497)
- [Fix] Maximum length of value in Gpf_Db_FilterCondition is 250 (#6526)
- [Fix] Rule fails when adding message group into Spam ticket (#1674)
- [Fix] Open ticket into calling state only if call is already answered (#6507)
- [Fix] Compose facebook post doesnt work (#6511)
- [Fix] URL hyperlinking matches part of email address (#4393)
- [Fix] My tickets - starting a chat and closing it fast stucks the chat group in ticket (#6367)
- [Fix] Agent typing not visible for other agent viewing ticket (#5123)
- [Fix] "Customer typing text" info is stucked in chat window (#6476)
- [Fix] CK editor problem with stuck blocker (#6427)
- [Fix] Canned message available for resets to 'Me' (#6055)
- [Fix] Contact form Name length is not validated (#5943)
- [Fix] Parsing quoted text from invalid HTML email fails (#6494)
- [Fix] 2 step Verification Code required in customer portal login (#6469)
- [Fix] Stuck shortcuts tooltips (#4806)
- [Fix] Unable to insert/filter phone in the contacts (#5734)
- [Fix] Incorrect results in Contacts for fitering by multiple fields from one table (#5989)
- [Fix] Registered visitor's registration email handling (#5524)
- [Fix] Check if chat is already running during the refresh on mobile device (#4700)
- [Fix] Chat attachment on mobile on customer side (#5317)
- [Fix] API v3 whitelist doesn't work correctly (#6462)
- [Fix] Not possible to view the conversation after chat is closed in Ascent theme (#5732)
- [Fix] Don't automaticaly close chat window after ranking feedback (#2713)
- [Fix] EOL breaks adding note from integration code (#6386)
- [Fix] After a longer chat is resolved you can see "Overdue" importance notice (#1830)
- [Fix] Check whether selected device is active before starting a call (#6348)
- [Fix] Chat from My Tickets stuck on closing (#5517)
- [Fix] Invalid ticket filter is active (#284)
- [Fix] No registration - this number does not have any registration (#6380)
- [Fix] Suggestion form is not displayed on a mobile device/browser (#6433)
- [Fix] Reset password - mobile view - captcha not required (#5719)
- [Fix] API v3 does not have an option for ticket created date (#6397)
- [Fix] URL link from customer is not processed correctly in ticket from Facebook (#5141)
- [Fix] Deleting of ticket - to solve count not updated (#5821)
- [Fix] SLA was still counting on resolved ticket (#3622)
- [Fix] Duplicate emails sent if rule 'apply when ticket created' performs resolve or transfer (#5772)
- [Fix] PHP 7.2 compatibility: Update Smarty to 2.6.31 (#6406)
- [Fix] Remove agent assignment after agent account was deleted (#1664)
- [Fix] Add system message to ticket after assigned agent was deleted (#2344)
- [Fix] Unable to merge tickets via Mass Action (#6446)
- [Fix] Deactivated numbers listed in the From number listbox (#6457)
- [Fix] Invalid date format (#6410)
- [Fix] Agent's authuser is deleted (#6115)
- [Fix] Record calls setting for Digitale (#6452)
- [Fix] Export ticket to HTML doesn't dump style/script content (#5553)
- [Fix] Custom CSS of contact widgets can be truncated (#6131)
- [Fix] Some tickets lost their SLA when they reach overdue (#5891)
- [Fix] Files assigned to drafts not deleted (#5258)
- [Fix] Problems with custom filter in Performance reports (#6076)
- [Fix] Corrupted plain text attachments (#6608)
- [Fix] Detecting disconnected visitor doesn't work (#6612)
- [Fix] Redis connect() failed: Connection timed out (#6618)
- [Fix] Custom field condition evaluates only first field value (#6588)
- [Fix] Can not change mail account for notification emails from department (#6596)
- [Fix] Undefined variable in AuthService.class.php (#6638)
- [Fix] Array to string conversion in Redis.class.php (#6640)
- [Fix] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() FormHandler.class.php (#6639)